Glossary of Terms

Compiled by Peter Lienau

A. Gr. = Aufklärungsgruppe = scouting group

Bergungsgruppe = salvage group

Depeschenboot = dispatch vessel, Aviso

Ersatz = In the context used here, a term to mean "replacement for".

F.d.T. = Führer der Torpedoboote = leader for/of the Torpedoboats
F.d.T. = Führer der Unternehmung = Operation leader
Fischdampfer = fishing trawler
Flaggschiff = flagship
Flottenflaggschiff = flagship of the fleet
Flugwaffe = Airforce

Geschwader = squadron
Gr. Kreuzer = Large Cruiser
Gruppe = group

Hafenflottille = harbour protection flotilla
Hfl. = Halbflottille = half flotilla
Hilfsminensuchdivision = Auxiliary mine-hunting division

Ist-Stärke = actual strength
Ist-Wert = actual value

Kabeldampfer = cable carrier / cable-laying vessel
Kl. Kreuzer = Small Cruiser (CL)
Kohlendampfer = coal carrier
Krz. = Kreuzer = Cruiser
Küstenschutzdivision = coast defense division

(für) Landungszweck(e) = (for) landing operation(s)
Lazarettschiff = hospital ship
Leichter = barge
Logger = lugger, gill-netter, drift-boat

Minenräumdiv. = Minenräumdivision = Mine-sweeping division
Minensuchfl. = Minensuchflottille = Mine-hunting flotilla
Motorboot = small motor vessel
MSDiv. = Minensuchdivision = Mine-hunting division
Mutterschiff = basis ship, depot ship

Netzlagerschiff = net-carrying vessel
Netzleger = net-laying vessel
Netzleichter = net-laying barge
Netzsperrverband = net defense group (but not defending an existing net defense but installing/laying it)

Öldampfer = Fuel oil carrier
Op.-Befehl = Operationsbefehl = operation order

Proviantdampfer = food carrier
Pumpendampfer = pump steamer
Pz.Krz. = Panzerkreuzer = armored cruiser, protected cruiser

S.-Hfl. = Such Halbflottille = subhunter half-flotilla
S.M.S. = Seine Majestät Schiff = His Majesty's Ship
Schlepper = tug boat
Schute = foist
Sperrbrecher = barrier-breaking vessel

T.-Flott. = Torpedoboot-Flottille = Torpedoboat flotilla
Transportflotte = troop ship fleet

U-Bootsabwehr = sub hunting

Vortrupp = vanguard
Vp.-Hfl. = Vorposten-Halbflottille = patrol boat half-flotilla

Wasserfahrzeug = waterboat
Werkstattschiff = repair ship, workshop vessel

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Last Update on 05/09/2001.

This page © Copyright 2000, Thomas L. Tanner, Jr. unless otherwise noted.